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Thirdmark Capital helps lenders by providing critical resources to gain and retain clients.

Our Solution

Our team brings decades of factoring experience and expertise to quickly assess participation requests. Thirdmark partners with lenders to determine challenges that include lending limits, concentration concerns, liquidity issues, and risk. Our participations are structured so lenders can provide their clients with the capital they need.
Thirdmark’s Participations Help Lenders:
  • Fill gaps beyond lending limits
  • Relieve concentration concerns
  • Enhance liquidity
  • Mitigate credit concerns
  • Enhance risk analysis


When you partner with Thirdmark Capital for a participation, what does the process look like?

Quick Decision Making

With our decades of industry experience, we are able to provide you with approvals quickly. Our average turnaround time is less than 24 hours.


We have the capital available to participate in your deal.

A Trusted

We solely provide participations, so we are not competing with you for deals.

Industry Flexibility

We rely on your industry expertise so we can work with factors and lenders in a variety of specialties.